

“The exposure, through the site-specific installation of more than 90 images, has the aim to create a moment of reflection on the different dimensions that the green assumes in human modified spaces. The intention is to dwell on the reality that surrounds us, by comparison, and at the same time emphasize the importance for the human being “to do” green around them.”

The exhibited photos were taken from 2010 to 2016, between Europe and North America, collecting and continuing a personal research that I take to transversely also drawing from other disciplines such as architecture and botany.
The exhibition, in this case, is divided into three main areas that take on different aspects of the topic: the fragmentation of urban green spaces in urban gardens, the creation of intimate dimention of the secret garden within the metropolis, the new size of green in contemporary architecture, the ‘third landscape’, the reappropriation and guerrilla gardening, the artificial green.

Curated by artist Elisa Vladilo, and introduced by Federica Purgatori, art curator


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