Social rites

Kresovanje, social and ancestral rites

30th of April 2018 - Santa Croce / Križ - Kresovanje The active people of the village community make a bonfire…

Apple blossoms and bonfires. Waiting kresovanje

Artviže, Slovenian village, 25 April 2018 The bonfire ritual is prepared in front of the small church of San Servolo…

Ceremony of the 73nd Anniversary of Liberation

25 April, Ceremony of the 73nd Anniversary of Liberation, Risiera di San Sabba, Trieste, 2018 The commemoration of discord. Between whistles,…

Trieste and the sea: New Year’s dives

Mario and Ilara Cigar, protagonists of the New Year's dive at Barcola, Trieste, 2018

Celebration of Christmas in the Cathedral of Trieste

San Giusto Cathedral, Midnight Mass, Trieste 2017. A moment of Midnight Mass for the Nativity, during the celebrations of the…

“Balkan” square: a benchmark meeting point in Trieste

Piazza Garibaldi, ex Piazza della Dogana, Trieste 2017 From the '700 until today, the square has changed its name several…

Old and new surnames

"Sollemnitas Omnium Sanctorum" Cemetery, Piran, Slovenia, 2017    

Križ. Fisherman’s Feast

Fisherman's Feast ( Ribiški dnevi / Festa del Pescatore) Santa Croce / Križ, Italy 2017 The party was made on…

1 Maj. Accompanying Godbeno Društvo Prosek

Gabrovizza / Gabrovec, Italy 2017 Godbeno Društvo Prosek. In the morning, the band greeted one by one all the monuments to…

30 April. Kresovanje

Kresovanje. Santa Croce / Križ, 2017 The kres is a well-controlled outdoor fire from wood, clipped branches or straw butter.…

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