
Konoba. Summertime on the Istrian roads

Konoba, somewhere in Istria. On the roads, summer 2018

Zerečki Krov. Waterfalls and traces of the mills

Zerečki Krov, april 2018 This is one of the largest waterfalls in Istria and one of the most interesting natural attraction of…

Butoniga, a precious reserve

Lake Butoniga a water dam in Istria, on the same named river. April 2018   Its main purpose is to…

From the top of Mountain of Witches

Cerkniško jezero / Lago Circogno, view of the lake from the top of Slivnica, known as the Mountain of Witches.…

A dinner with truffles

Montona - Between the countryside and the few houses of the village. Brkač, Aprile 2018

Kresovanje, social and ancestral rites

30th of April 2018 - Santa Croce / Križ - Kresovanje The active people of the village community make a bonfire…

Apple blossoms and bonfires. Waiting kresovanje

Artviže, Slovenian village, 25 April 2018 The bonfire ritual is prepared in front of the small church of San Servolo…

Ceremony of the 73nd Anniversary of Liberation

25 April, Ceremony of the 73nd Anniversary of Liberation, Risiera di San Sabba, Trieste, 2018 The commemoration of discord. Between whistles,…

Intimacy: birthday time

Home life, intimacy and birthday time. March 2018

Buje. A small city in becoming

Buje. The traces of the fireplaces and the decorations of the rooms in the old city. An area of the city…

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